Non-oral use of prescription opioids doubles risks of death

in death or another major detrimental medical outcome, while 122 (13.7 percent) of the 892 cases in which prescription opioids were not taken by mouth lead to death or another major negative medical effect.

There were 380 cases of prescription opioid inhalation and 409 of injection, which resulted in death or major medical outcomes 48 and 60 times, respectively.

The gathered data highlights that the risks associated with opioid prescriptions are significantly exacerbated by different methods of consumption and that adhering to medically recommended methods of drug intake may be lifesaving.

The researchers stated that these results are important because non-oral routes of administration are frequently reported by patients and that it is essential for the millions of Americans who use and/or misuse controlled prescription drugs to understand those alternative methods of administration “double the risk of death or life-threatening event.”