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Sober Living Centers near Antioch, California

Sober Living near Antioch, California

Sober Living near Antioch, California

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More Information about Sober Livings Near Antioch, California

Sober Living near Antioch, California

Finding a place to stay that offers substance abuse treatment in Antioch, California can be difficult, if not impossible. What is available is usually in the form of a halfway house or other kind of residential program that is located in an area not too far from home. But finding a place to live and stay with that will provide the kind of substance abuse treatment that a person needs, in a community where the person does not have to leave their family home can be nearly impossible. There are some good options, however, that can help someone with substance abuse problems get on the road to recovery.

The first option is a Transitional Living Program. A Transitional Living Program is very similar to what is known as an apartment or a boarding house, but it is run by a third party. Most programs are either one or two-room homes that are either furnished or rent. The residents are often people who have been through the process of receiving a substance abuse treatment program and have moved on to somewhere else. Some of these homes offer a full-time staff to supervise the resident and others offer a nightly cleaning service. For the most part, the residents of Transitional Living Programs work closely with the care givers, who are often licensed therapists or mental health professionals.

The second option is a halfway house. This is not quite as popular as a Transitional Living Program, but they are just as good a way to get the kind of treatment that a person needs. If the program is in a neighborhood where the family is near a school or other community center, the family can move to the halfway house instead of having to move to another town or city altogether. The benefit to the family is that it keeps their children connected to what is going on around them and provides a good chance for them to get involved in the activities that take place in the community while still staying near home.

Sober Living Centers near Antioch, California

Please reach out to our Antioch, California sober living specialists at (888)959-9381 for more information. We’ll be happy to help you locate a sober living.

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