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Sober Living Centers near San Mateo, California

Sober Living near San Mateo, California

Sober Living near San Mateo, California

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More Information about Sober Livings Near San Mateo, California

Sober Living near San Mateo, California

If you want to find a center for treatment of your alcohol or drug addiction, you should first be aware of the facilities available. Many of the best treatment centers are located in major cities and have long waiting lists that make it difficult for many to find treatment on their own. There are also treatment centers in the suburbs and townships that are better than most residential treatment facilities, but there are usually not as many treatment options.

“Combining decades of expertise with a commitment to customer satisfaction, Potentials Unlimited Clean and Sober Living Environment are now the local leader in Transitional Living, Substance Abuse Treatment Centers and Clean & Sober Homes.” The Potentials Unlimited Family of Communities of South Central Los Angeles, CA provides treatment at the Center for Addiction and Mental Health. “This facility treats people who have developed serious problems such as drug and alcohol addiction, mental illness, or psychiatric disorders.” It offers a number of programs including residential and outpatient treatment as well as individual therapy.

The Transitional Living Addiction Detoxification Center, located in Encinitas, CA offers a variety of services including drug detoxification, outpatient treatment, residential treatment and family treatment. This center is the leading addiction treatment center in the San Diego area. The transition programs offered include residential rehabilitation and outpatient treatment. You can enroll in an outpatient treatment program at the Center for a cost or opt for a residential treatment program at the Center for a more affordable cost. Many of the treatment facilities in the San Mateo area offer an array of treatment options.

Sober Living Centers near San Mateo, California

Please reach out to our San Mateo, California sober living specialists at (888)959-9381 for more information. We’ll be happy to help you locate a sober living.

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Sober Living near San Mateo, California

Sober Living near San Mateo, California

Sober Living near San Mateo, California