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Sober Living Centers near Cheshire, Connecticut

Sober Living near Cheshire, Connecticut

Sober Living near Cheshire, Connecticut

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More Information about Sober Livings Near Cheshire, Connecticut

Sober Living near Cheshire, Connecticut

If you or a loved one needs help with substance abuse treatment in Cheshire, Connecticut then you should contact the Executive Director of the Treatment Center at Full Moon House. Dr. Sam Clark is the psychologist and psychiatrist who has been treating addicts for more than 15 years in the area of addiction recovery. This is the only full time facility devoted solely to offering so called “Sober Living” in the town of Cheshire, Connecticut. This is the only mental health and substance abuse treatment center in the entire state of Connecticut dedicated to helping addicts overcome their addictions and live productive and successful lives. This recovery community provides the latest in addiction treatment along with residential, outpatient, and transitional living options.

The reason for the designation “Sober Living” is rooted in the knowledge that addicts cannot truly become sober unless they have a sober environment to live in. Detoxification and residential treatment are integral parts of this environment. An addiction recovery center such as Full Moon House, for example, works closely with local law enforcement and other local agencies in order to maintain a zero tolerance approach to the illegal sale and use of drugs in the community. This policy keeps dealers and users from walking around among our neighborhoods and holding themselves out as “sober”.

You can learn more about finding sober living in Cheshire by consulting your local treatment center. While you are there, you can also meet other people who have recently experienced life changing change and are now successfully completing their substance abuse treatment programs. You can follow the links below to learn more about how to find sober living in Cheshire, Connecticut.

Sober Living Centers near Cheshire, Connecticut

Please reach out to our Cheshire, Connecticut sober living specialists at (888)959-9381 for more information. We’ll be happy to help you locate a sober living.

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Sober Living near Cheshire, Connecticut

Sober Living near Cheshire, Connecticut

Sober Living near Cheshire, Connecticut

Sober Living near Cheshire, Connecticut