Mojo Drug: Side Effects of New Synthetic Marijuana

Mojo Drug
Mojo Drug

The world of street drugs continues growing each day, as more self-taught chemists are looking for ways to make money by providing people with a high. While these substances are potent and can give off a powerful effect, they are dirty in their makeup, proving fatal for users. 

Synthetic products typically contain various chemicals and substances heavily regulated by the government due to their potency and deadly nature. When people overindulge in dirty drugs with unknown origins, these typically cause deaths through overdosing. The worst part is that plenty of these substances contain compounds that develop an addiction in people, making drugs a regular presence in a person’s lifestyle. 

Mojo Drug: The New Spice

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has listed Mojo as a Schedule I drug similar to regular cannabis. They have no proven medical use and contain a high incidence of developing an addiction to the substance. While Mojo used to be found in various stores in states where marijuana use is legal, the damaging effects have shown that it is not a safe substance to use. 

Mojo is not marijuana. In fact, the ones producing Spice use only dried plant material and coat it generously with the psychoactive chemicals. They were meant to mimic THC’s effects on the brain without dealing with the inconvenience of growing cannabis, but this did not end up safe. Since cannabis plants require plenty of work and effort to care for their growth, people tried their best to find cheaper and easier alternatives to conduct on a larger scale. 

It used to be available in gas stations, smoke shops, and internet dealers, which was promoted as a safer alternative to weed. The popular marketing strategy is labeling it as incense that isn’t for human consumption, which is the loophole in the substance’s sale. However, so many sources make Spice that it isn’t safe to use anymore. There are no quality assurance checks done, and the FDA has not issued approval for its use, which means that it can be deadly when consumed. 

Spice is highly popular with the youth, as the internet has pushed the belief that it is safer than marijuana and that its supposed “legality” will make it hassle-free for use. This drug is consumed via smoking or ingestion. People start to develop an addiction to the substance because of the intense high caused by the brain receiving the chemicals. 

Dangers and Side Effects of This New Spice Drug

Mojo’s effects are similar to marijuana. The chemicals sprayed onto leaves of the former are meant to mimic THC entering the brain. People can initially feel an altered perception of reality, leaving them feeling relaxed and positive. However, synthetic marijuana is so deadly because of the substances’ inconsistencies on the plant leaves. Chemicals used can vary from fertilizers to cancer treatment products, and various laboratories that make these might add extras into the mix. With this uncertain nature of the product, it may produce adverse effects depending on the batch used by a person. 

Mojo Drug Effects
Mojo Drug Side Effects

Other side effects can be more intense, such as blood pressure spikes, anxiety, severe paranoia, seizures, increased heart rate, hallucinations, kidney damage, and heart attacks. Depending on the person’s consumed dosage and the chemicals mixed in the coat, the effects can be severe or fatal in some cases. When someone develops an addiction to Mojo, this can cause heavy withdrawal feelings when unable to use the drug. Withdrawals can cause a person to be very violent, have extreme paranoia, develop flu-like symptoms, and get intense cravings that can leave them feeling horrible. 

Overdosing on synthetic marijuana never ends well if the person isn’t rushed to the emergency room for treatment. Taking too much Mojo can cause a feeling of being separated from reality, extreme hallucinations, delusions, and other disorienting feelings. If these are not addressed promptly, they can lead to a stroke, seizures, heart attacks, and even death or entering a state of comatose. 

What is “Mojo” Drug?

Mojo is a deadly form of cannabis. While you might wonder how exactly it has become severe since the cannabis plant is relatively safe for use, something sets it apart. If you have been browsing the web for videos on YouTube and have stumbled upon people experiencing what looks like demonic possession, this is likely the effect of Mojo use. 

This drug is known as synthetic marijuana and holds the nickname of “K2” or “spice.” While it has leaves and the texture of the cannabis plant, these are typically sprayed and coated with unknown chemicals. This coating of street substances makes the effects dangerous and unpredictable, as there are no tests done to see how it affects the human body entirely. 

It has also gained other names over the years, such as Black Mamba, Genie, Cloud 9, Moon Rocks, Skunk, and Fake Weed. The most common street names are Spice and K2. These are created by combining a traditional marijuana plant with manufactured psychedelic chemical compounds similar to plant-based weed’s natural structure. Mojo is prevalent in communities that aren’t as developed, as this drug is cheaper than buying marijuana and can slip past most drug screening procedures. 

Understanding Synthetic Marijuana

Synthetic marijuana has gained popularity because of how cheap it appears on the market. Since it isn’t real cannabis from an actual plant grown on a farm, it is cheaper to produce and sell. It is typically made from tea leaves, as these look reminiscent of marijuana at first glance. It’s hard to beat its price point, so more people turn to Mojo to get a quick high that won’t initially break the bank. However, this drug’s chemical nature will develop addictions in people much quicker than when natural products are used. 

It’s easy to get hooked on Mojo, and its effects are hazardous when used in large doses. Synthetic marijuana is more than what it seems, and false advertising is damaging the lives of people. Three factors play into how people develop addictions, and while it is primarily based on genetics, substances like these can accelerate its incidence in people. The first is genetics, as it runs through the bloodline of a family. Secondly, drugs’ physical nature can cause addictive behaviors to surface, triggered by chemicals in drugs playing with the brain’s chemistry. Lastly, a person’s environment can develop their substance abuse, as some backgrounds can make experimenting more prominent. 


Toying with street drugs isn’t a good idea, as there are typically no methods done to test its safety and benefits. While substances like marijuana have proven that they have some medical uses, synthetic forms have shown only negative results. Mojo doesn’t only disorient people from reality, but it can also ultimately lead to death when taken in large doses. By staying away from all kinds of street drugs and seeking substance abuse treatment, people can find recovery and live a safe and healthy life. 
