The prevalence and impact of social media addiction in adolescents

30 hours a week on social media and the internet, and had lower self-esteem and higher levels of symptoms related to depression.

The findings were consistent with similar research, which showed that females listed social media as their primary source of their internet addiction, while males indicated pornography as their primary source.

Researchers reiterated the value of the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale, calling it a “psychometrically valid scale” that can be useful in academic environments to find out which adolescents are at risk for problematic social media use.

Internet addiction is not recognized by the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is used by the American Psychology Association to diagnose and classify mental disorders.

However, psychologist and author Kimberly Young, Ph.D., who has done extensive work related to internet addiction, said: “there is already talk and movements within the mental health field to make this happen.”