eHealth company awaits FDA approval for digital addiction therapy

the 67 percent of those that used reSET.

Pear Therapeutics is also developing reSET-O, which is similar to reSET but used concurrently with pharmacotherapy for patients specifically fighting opiate addiction. The developers believe it can improve abstinence and bolster retention in conjunction with pharmacotherapy after three independent and randomized clinical revealed positive results.

A study of 465 participants that completed outpatient methadone or buprenorphine treatment for opioid addiction was conducted, in which the participants were given standardized face-to-face therapy or shortened standardized treatment with reSET-O. Their abstinence was determined by self-reporting and urine tests.

The developers plan to submit reSET-O to the FDA for approval, pending approval of reSET.

“With all that’s going, this is a very exciting company that we’re very enthusiastic about because it benefits a group of patients in great need,” Dr. Shehab said. “We think that reSET has a lot of potential.”